How We Give

Everything great starts small

Atomic generosity is our unique model of micro grants designed to spark sustainable transformation with a hand up not a hand out.

Our Process


We want to hear from you, our community – what transformative change matters most to you & how can we help? Get in touch.


Coming soon, you’ll be able to apply online to be considered to be one of our grant recipients. Your personalized welcome experience will explain more details about how it works, what you can expect from us and what we expect from you.


Each year we’re proud to award micro grants to those applicants who most closely align with our mission & values.

Let’s create something great together

Focus Areas

“Every grand city has a grand opera.” Like nothing else, the arts expands the mind to imagine what could be & shapes culture with beauty & harmony that transcends boundaries. We focus on expanding the transformational power of the arts to impact every member of our community.

Arts & Culture

“Health expands life, education expands purpose.” A grand city is full of grand visions, big hearts & people passionately working towards a brighter future together. We focus on humanitarian efforts that enrich quality of life, unite our different cultures & build a better tomorrow today.

Health & Education

“We’re in the transformation business.” Business success takes big vision, measurable goals & small action steps that add up. We build revenue-generating opportunities into our philanthropic efforts to kickstart a transformation engine that runs forever.

Transformational Change